Friday, April 24, 2009

Charlotte Harper

Our little Charlotte is in the hospital again. The happy family went home on Tuesday, only to return again on Wednesday. She's in Blank Children's Hospital in Des Moines. Right next door to where she was born. She has jaundice. They have her hooked up to an IV and under the 'blue' lights. Hopefully all will be able to come home on Saturday.

I stoled these pictures from Jim & Mandy's blog but they're so great I didn't think another look would be horrible. These were all taken before she returned to the hospital.

Isn't Mandy the perfect picture of a new Mom? What a happy new mommy!

I came home on Monday and returned to Des Moines on Wednesday evening. I had a Planners Meeting on Thursday and decided to spend some time with my family so came down on Wednesday already. The place we meet isn't very far from Barb's house so it made it easy!

I got to Barb's around 7:30 or so and asked if she'd heard from her brother. He had called my cell while I was in a meeting and didn't leave a message. He always does that!!! She was the one that told me Charlotte was back in the hospital. Didn't take us long to get back into the car and go visiting. Jackie was there when we got there. The kids were eating and Charlotte was under the 'blue' lights with her fancy sunglasses on! She didn't wimper at all the whole time we were there. We stayed for about half-an-hour and then thought it best to get going and let them have some peace.

We grabbed some food from Burger King and headed home. Barb showed me my shortcut to the Polk County Public Works building and then back to Ankeny. Jim called later that evening and said they had put the IV in. In her little hand! Poor little thing. I am happy to report that I talked to Jim a few minutes ago and everyone is doing well. Charlotte's numbers are looking good and they're hoping to bring her home tomorrow. It will be good for everyone to get back into some sort of routine.

I made my meeting okay. We're working on a lot of plans for the stimulus money we've all received. May looks like a very busymonth as far as writing grants and plans are concerned. Our stimulus plan needs to be in Des Moines by May 21st and my CSBG grant is due by June 5th. And then there'a always the day-to-day stuff to contend with also.

My knee/leg (whatever) is still giving me some problems. It's very hard to go up and down the stairs at my place. It really tires me. I'm taking meds and trying to do the exercises Barb gave me. Plans are for x-rays on Monday. Nothing is happening, I'm not getting better and I'm so tired all the time. I get frustrated very easy and am trying not to take it out on my family and friends. I can't do housework worth a darn and I'm trying to figure out how to get some laundry done. Actually I think I have that one figured out. I can take it down in a pillowcase or clean garbage bag and bring it back up the same way. It's just so darn time consuming!!! I've been trying to do a little housework at a time. Right now I'm in the middle of dusting my living room. Vacuuming is easy as I've got something to hang onto when I'm pushing the darn thing around. Things will get better!

It's a beautiful day in Dubuque. Wished I could spend some time outdoors, but my time is coming. I'm planning on working at the food giveaway tomorrow morning. I haven't seen Bill or Tom for some time and would like to spend a little time with them. Have to show off my granddaughter!! She's such a cutie!!!

Back to scrapbooking. Finishing a wedding book for Mandy's Dad and onto more baby books for my family.

God Bless All.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm A Grandma!!

Here's our little Charlotte Harper with her Daddy! She's so precious. Charlotte was born at 6:26 p.m. on Sunday, April 19th. She weighed in at 9 lbs. 5 oz., was 20 1/2 inches long and has lots and lots of black hair. I'm pretty sure she'll have dark eyes as both her parents do. It was a long day for Mandy and Jim. But the results was worth every minute of it.

Jim called me on Saturday afternoon and told me what was happening. I packed a bag and took off for Barbie's. She was in Nebraska at a
gymnastic tournament but coming home that evening. I got into Barb's about 10:15 and waited for her to get home. After a little conversation we decided the best plan was to get to bed. I'm still having some problems with my left knee and leg but made it up the stairs and into bed! We got up around 9 (I love sleeping in). We picked up a CD that Mandy wanted, grabbed some breakfast and headed for the hospital. Half of Mandy's family was already there so we visited with them for a bit. Barb and I finally went to the maternity desk, got our visitors pass and went to visit the prospective parents. Mandy's Mom had come in that morning and was with them. Mandy was going okay. They had had a long night! We were in and out all day. As a group went to lunch together. For me it was a long walk, but they fed me when we got to our destination!! It was a long afternoon but at 6:26 p.m. Jackie came out and said 'She's here!" and gave us the particulars! What a wonderful event to experience (I'm not sure Mandy would agree with the whole thing being wonderful, but she did a fantastic job and gave me a precious granddaughter!

It's like having your second baby. When I was pregnant with Jimmy I had doubts about being able to love another child as much as I loved Barbie. When he came into this world I couldn't believe the fantastic feeling of love that I had for this little creature that I had just birthed. Having a grandchild isn't much different. Only I didn't have to go through the whole process -- it was Mandy's turn. I'm in love all over again. I got to hold her for a bit and have my picture taken with her a number of times. These are some of them, Barb has more, so do Jim & Mandy, Jackie, Linda and Misty! Charlotte already has a fan club!!

I stayed at Barb's Sunday night and come home early Monday morning. Now that I have a granddaughter I need to focus on getting my knee and leg in order. I'm on pain pills, that really don't seem to do much for me. I told Barb last night my leg had a fever!! I've been using ice as much as possible and doing some exercises to help strengthen my leg and knee. We shall see what happens next. I'm tired of complaining about it, missing work because I just can't walk and being in pain. We have our baby now so . . . guess I'll get this fixed!!

I'm scheduled to be in Des Monies again on Thursday so planning on going down Wednesday and staying with Barb and paying a visit to my new granddaughter. I talked to Jim late this afternoon. He still sounded tired and said they didn't get the greatest night's sleep but will be working on a schedule. All are doing well. There were some questions about Charlotte's blood sugar and Mandy's blood pressure, but looks like all have been okay. God Bless our newest family!!

I'm a very proud grandmother and can't wait to go and see them very soon.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

I'm a little late in the greeting but the meaning is still there! Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.

My family was not all able to be together but some of us made it. Glee had a great dinner on Saturday. Barb and I and Ron enjoyed it very much. Mike ended up playing in a basketball alumni game, and Beth, Karsten & Jackson spent Saturday noon with Grandma Shirley (Karsten's mother).

We took a ride in Ron's new truck and headed down to the creek. It's an absolutely beautiful place to spend time. The sound of the water is great. I'm presently walking around (or should I say limping) around with a cane. The consensus is that I have injuryed my hamstring on my left leg, which is also causing some problems with my knee. I have pain pills (they're great! They put you to sleep very quickly.) Nothing seems to be bothering my other meds (thank goodness) so I walk with the cane and a limp! If this doesn't straighten out within a couple of weeks I'll have to go through some shots to help with pain and lubication of the knee joint. Some kind of new shot. My family knows how I hate shots so I bet I get better real quick.

The creek was wonderful. We're hoping to get the whole family (including Baby C and family) there sometime this spring/summer for a nice evening meal and get together. We also spent some time at the fish hatchery. Saw a lot of trout! When I got tired I just headed back to the truck and the others caught up with me before I even got that far. Getting old is for the birds! Take care of your bodies, cuz they get to a point in your life when they just can't give any more!! It was a nice afternoon.

Got back to the Sasses and Beth, Karsten and Jackson were there. They had also driven down to the creek . . . . Jackson did a little Easter egg hunting and Uncle Mike showed up too. We almost had the whole family there. We missed Jim & Mandy and hope that next year we can all be together. Barb and I got back to Dubuque around 7:30 p.m. Grabbed a bit to eat and headed home.

Barbie did my wash for me. Thank goodness. Nothing funnier than a lady with a cane trying to navigate steps with a laundry basket! She took some home for me too! Helped grocery shop on Sunday morning and then headed by to home and an evening meal with Jim & Mandy.

Sounds like I'll be a grandmother this weekend. Barb is coming back to Des Moines on Friday and I'll head down that way then too. I'll get to spend some time with my daughter and my son and daughter-in-law and my new granddaughter! I'm really excited about this whole thing. Wished I could walk better, but I know I can hobbled into that hospital and see that new baby!!

I better get back at some work I need to get done. Next time I talk to any of you I hope I'm a new grandmother!!

Thursday, April 02, 2009


I obviously tried writing something yesterday and it didn't work! So what else is new? Yesterday wasn't one of my best days anyway!! I did write something (a couple paragraphs) and must have done something -- anyway it didn't publish. The only thing that published was the title so . . .

Nothing exciting happening anyway. I went to the doctor over my noon hour. I've been having some problems with my left knee. Basically it hurts! Bad enough that when standing up on it I have an awful limp . . . and lots of pain. The front of my knee and the sides. My doctor gave me some strong pain medicine and told me to continue with my Aleve. When I picked up my prescription they told me to be sure and have a small snack or something with the med. It makes you very sleepy and so far I can't say that it's done much with the pain. Walking is a pain!!! Going up and down my steps hasn't helped much either. One more day of work and then I can stay put for a couple of days. Why is it when you have something like this you always have to move all over the office for one thing or another! It's frustrating! If the swelling, etc., doesn't leave I go back next week for x-rays and who knows what!!

My girlfriend Marilyn called late this afternoon. She's been keeping tabs on me. She was in Dubuque at her new home. She took possession yesterday or today. I can't remember which. She'll be back for the weekend. She's going to stay with her sister. I'm hoping to be able to get over to her new condo and check it out. Sounds real nice. She told me she'd love the company and if I can walk, it will do me good too.

Weather sounds lousy for the weekend. I noticed snow on the weather channel for us here. It didn't say how much, but there was definitely snowflakes falling. Guess I better watch the local news tonight and see what's coming!

Time for a pill. Best go take it and watch a little TV and try and get some sleep.


Wednesday, April 01, 2009