Sunday, October 05, 2008

Birthday fun

Saturday was a beautiful day and a beautiful day to celebrate your first birthday! And that's what we did. Jackson Dean Foels turned one on October 1st, but Beth and Karsten celebrate with the families on Saturday. What a cute little kid!! He's running around and getting into everything but it's so much fun to watch him. He talks about whatever -- nothing is really understandable yet -- that'll come soon enough. Bets and Karsten made a great dinner. We had grilled hamburgers and all the fixings and of course, birthday cake!!
I drove up to Glee's on Saturday morning. She was just leaving when I pulled into the yard. She was going to leave me!!! Actually I got a later start than I expected . . . but did get there just in time to catch a ride with her. She had a small problem this weekend -- you couldn't understand her unless you were right next to her. She was loosing her voice when I got there and by the end of the day it was pretty much gone!
When we got to Beth's the little guy was sleeping. Both parents said he was a bear and hoped he slept until at least 11. Well he did! Beth went up to wake him right around noon. Karsten said the noon whistle would wake him anyway . . . but we all got to see the birthday boy just before we sat down for dinner. Daycare had called Beth a couple of times during the week as he was running a fever. She went and got him on Friday and when they got home he was fine. Karsten says 'he's playing hooky!'
Jackson sat between Glee and I at dinner. It's fun having a little one around you. He really eats well! And you're not going to believe this but he . . . loves tomatoes!!! What a kid! Glee said she gave some to him just to see what he would do and he gobbled them right up. At least it's healthy!!
There's a lot of pictures on here. Jackson fed himself his cake -- and then he had a bath before opening his presents.
He got some really cool things. He loves remotes -- Grandma Shirley found that out. He put hers' in the cat water! The first thing Beth said was pick up the remote and told Mike to watch his phone!! So one of his gifts was a remote control of his own. I think it was Sesame Street! He got all kinds of books, puzzles, and all kind of toys to hit, push, etc. Daddy made him a beautiful toy box. Beth said it looked a lot smaller in the garage! He fits well in it!! Uncle Mike got him a basketball pole, hoop and basketball (go figure). Grandma Glee's pretty good at putting them in the net!!! She'll have to work with Jackson on that.
Great Grandpa Sass made him a little rocking chair that looks like a bear. He loved it!! It sure didn't take him long to figure out how to sit down in it -- and how to stand up on it!! This could be a problem! He also has learned how to crawl up on the coffee table. He thinks it's great and Grandma Glee about has a heart attack!

He enjoyed his special day. More pictures at a later date. I just have a heck of a time getting them lined up within my blog. Guess I better go back to the teacher (Mandy) and get some additional instructions.
I had intended on staying with Glee and Ron for the weekend but Glee really didn't feel that good. She says she was fine but she was ready to take a nap when I left. I think we're going to try and do something on my birthday. That would be cool!! Get well soon Glee!
It was raining when I got up this morning. It's a little fall like out there today. Guess we better get used to it -- I think it's here to stay. I've got boxes all over my bedroom. I don't have room for all my clothes to be out at one time and I went looking for long-sleeves last Friday so . . . I'll live with it this way for a little longer and then pack away summer things.
I watched my Colts finally win a game! It didn't look very good until the 4th quarter but Peyton pulled one out! They needed the win. Unfortunately I watched the Cubs last night and that chapter has now been closed . . . again! I'm a NASCAR fan too and the race today was exciting. Tony won one Glee!!!
Well, it's time to get to work. I have laundry to fold and figure out what to have for my evening meal. Probably nothing too exciting -- I ate too good yesterday.
Have a great week everybody!

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