We got back to my place around 3:30. Both of us were pooped so we spent some time just relaxing. I finally decided I better take a shower and clean up for the evening. I was going to wear jeans but Marilyn thought we should dress up a little bit. Glad she talked me into that! I was ready to go around 5:45 but she insisted that I watch the end of a football game we were watching and then we had to go to her sister's to deliver something she had forgotten! So off we went. I drove. We were going to Olive Garden for supper. Drove into the parking lot (and it's always full) and got rock star parking right across from the front door. I remarked that there were a number of people waiting, but noticed there was a bench free so thought we could just sit and talk some more before we were seated. She stopped to check in and the gal said
follow me. I made another remark about knowing the right people and followed the hostess. Walked around the corner and there was my family!! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Cameras flashing and people yelling! Was I surprised?? YES! Very much so. My children, Barb and Jim & Mandy came in from Ankeny/West Des Moines, my sister and her husband were there and my neice, her husband and their new baby joined us. It was definitely a surprise, but a wonderful one. My birthday was the 17th but in the middle of the week and
everyone was busy the weekend after. I thought maybe someone would come home the following weekend but they told me they were all busy, etc. Actually my children have a life of their own so I was disappointed but definitely understood, but the surprise of having them there was great! Thanks for making the trip guys. It really meant a lot to me.
I need to thank my sister, as I understand it was basically her idea. What a wonderful way to remember you 60th birthday! I haven't had a birthday party since high school, so this one was extra special!! My children got me a new digital camera (of which I love and can't wait for Christmas and all the pictures I can take). Jim set everything up on it so basically all I have to do is point and shoot! My sister and her husband gave me a bottle of wine (just like what we drank in Colorado), a snowman candy dish and another snowman for my collection at Christmas. Thank you so much. I love them both. The wine will get drunk real soon. We sure enjoyed it in Colorado! It's definitely a birthday to remember. Pictures next time!!
Can't write in my blog without wedding pictures (or some pictures of some kind). Since the wedding it the last big event in our lives (baby baptism coming up next) you get wedding pictures. These are some of my favorites. I have no clue what was so funny but Barb, Jim and I are certainly having a great time. I love the one of Barb and I. It's a keeper! The one of Jim & Mandy is one of my favorite snapshots I've seen so far. They look so happy! My sister had a great time and hamming it up with Jim is one of her favorite things to do. The picture of Barbie and Glee is great too. Lots of memories.
Jim & Mandy have got some of their pictures back from the photographer. I'm getting ready to order my prints. I definitely want a couple of larger prints for my livingroom wall. I also want a number of the 4x6 size shots for scrapbooking. Want to make up a number of books for different people. I'm looking forward to that project. I love weddings, and this one was very special.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. Obviously I do. Work has been busy. It's end of the year for me. Our fiscal year ends September 30th so there's all kinds of statistical reports due to Des Moines. I've requested an extension on those. I should be able to get everything together by November 16th. Or at least that's the plan. We had an all-agency staffing today. Lots of work goes into those meetings. I also had a CSBG (community services block grant) stats meeting this afternoon. We went over all the stats for the year and plan on some changes in our reporting data. It's good to get together like this, but we had so many priority projects going at once it's a little hectic. The agency is also involved in a day-long workshop entitled "Bridges Out of Poverty," We're doing the registration part of it. Well we also sent out the flyer. We used snail mail as well as emailing a little over 100. That was an experience. I had a terrible time getting them out but finally they all went but 3. Bad addresses, I guess.
Hopefully things will slow down a little in the near future.
My sister and I are traveling to Ankeny for the weekend. Ankeny has a big craft fair this coming weekend. We're doing the 'early-bird' thingy. Barb and her friend Katie are season ticket holders to all ISU football games and there's a game being televised Saturday. When they televise games they start earlier in the day. This one starts at 11:00 or 11:30. Anyway, to make a long story shorter . . . Barbie is getting us early-bird tickets to the craft fair and my sister and I are going to spend our Saturday morning attending that. The early-bird part is a hot breakfast, goodie bags from vendors and the chance to shop early. Hopefully we'll find something we like and want to buy. I'm hoping Mandy can join us later in the morning to shop with us. She told me Sunday she really didn't want to get up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday for a craft fair. She gets up around 5:30 every morning for work. Guess we'll let her sleep in. Hope she can meet us later in the morning.
I'm hungry. Think I'll go find something for my supper. Just wanted to post some more pictures and thank my family for the wonderful birthday party. Thanks guys. I love you.
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