Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Des Moines, Urbandale, Ankeny!

Betsy and I went out to the Mall on Monday night and set up my table and I took a couple of pictures of what it ended up looking like. Looks pretty good!

Today was opening day of the Shoppe, but I didn't go out yet. I'm working on more books and was just plain tired tonight. Probably go tomorrow night.

Jim and one of his birthday presents!!

The family at Olive Garden.

Charlotte reading her daddy's birthday card.

She got caught going through her mother's bag. She was smiling really cute, but I just didn't snap the picture fast enough. Cute, no matter what!

Another card shot!

Charlotte had problems with her barrette and Barb was helping her out.

I headed to Des Moines, Ankeny & Urbandale last Thursday. I had a Planner's meeting in Des Moines and we decided to celebrate Jim's birthday that evening. Normally I would have stayed the weekend but with the shop opening this week I still had things to finish. It was a short visit, but a nice one.

I got into Des Moines around 10:15 a.m. The Planners meet at the Polk County buildings (we meet in the supervisor's offices) and it's not very far from Barb's place. Takes me about 10 minutes from her place. The meeting was interesting and plans were changed for the October meeting. We have a ROMA meeting scheduled for October 18th and decided to re-schedule the Planner's meeting from October 28th to the 19th. Only one trip down that way for the majority of us. So . . . I'm planning on spending a nice weekend with my children over my birthday. It should be fun.

We took Jim out for his birthday (August 28th). He wanted to go to Olive Garden. As usual, we had to wait, but it was such a beautiful evening we enjoyed their outdoor seating area until we got our table. Charlotte was so good. She wandered around and amused herself. Lots of hugs for her parents. She was very good during our meal too. Of course she got to eat off her mom's plate, her dad's plate and had bread sticks from all of us. She's such a cutie!! Couldn't resist taking pictures of her. A couple back at the house got dark, but you can still see that it's Charlotte.

We stopped at the house when we first got there to check out the new floors and all the re-modeling that has been going on. Jim called and told us to wear socks, so Barb found me a pair so we could walk around on the floor. I'm thinking they have the furniture back where they want it by now, and the rugs down. It looks great!! After supper we came back and watched Jim open his presents from Barb and I. Mandy gave him carrot cake from Kansas City!!! Jim loves the carrot cake at a steak house down there. Fantastic gift Mandy! WTG!!

I slept in on Friday morning and met Barb at her work around 11:30. We did some shopping at Hobby Lobby and then Jim met us for lunch. It was nice having my kids with me again for a meal. They had to get back to work and I had to get home. I always take my laundry when I go to Barb's because the machines in this building are terrible so . . . I went back and picked up my laundry and bags and headed out. Do you know gas is only $2.39 in the Des Moines area?

Got home around 6:00, drug up as much of my junk as I could and did a little work on a Disney book for the shop. Worked the whole weekend on finishing some projects and Betsy and I took the stuff out on Monday evening. Today (September 1) was the opening of the store. I hope all went well. Depending on how wide awake I am tomorrow night, I might go out and check things out. I just finished a Football book so can take that with me too. Hope some of you get a chance to check out the shop. There's some terrific things there!!

I'm not planning anything special for Labor Day. Probably more scrapping and lots of sleeping! I'm always tired lately. Have a doctor's appointment coming up and probably should talk to him about a couple of things - being tired being one!!

Hope everyone has a safe and fun filled Labor Day. Take care and be careful out there!

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