Saturday, June 03, 2006


I'm on a quest! I'm being invaded by ants! Those little black creatures that run all over the place at picnics! I have no clue where they are getting into my place but I'm finding them in the strangest places. The other night I was working on the computer in my spare bedroom and one ran right across the top of my desk! This afternoon when I opened my laptop there was one running across the keyboard! Pesky little creatures, aren't they?! I found some ant spray and sprayed the heck out of the patio door frame. I noticed since I sprayed that there's quite a few running around on the kitchen floor near the door, so maybe the stuff works and it's driving them crazy! At least I hope so. I don't know that they're going to do any harm to anything but I hate the fact that they're running around my house!!

Today we had a food distribution at the DALH building. We received over 20,000 pounds of food through the postal drive over Mother's Day. Lots and lots of canned goods, some paper products and assorted pop, drink mixes, etc. It wasn't a good weekend to have one. We hardly had 200 people come through. That's very unusual. We normally have 350 - 380 families that we serve. My guess would be -- it's the first of the month and the majority of our clients are on food stamps, and/or social security. The ones that came are the ones that plan ahead -- the ones that didn't show up got their food stamps and haven't planned ahead. If we look back on past giveaways I'm sure we'll find that our best ones (where we had the most people) were later in the month. People -- go figure! We'll have plenty for another one in late June or after the July 4th holiday. It's a fun group to work with so there's no hardship working. The hardship is getting up early on a Saturday morning when I like to sleep in. Oh well, I took a nap this afternoon. Some of us went out for breakfast when we were finished for the morning. So this is one of those days when I only have 2 meals. I had a big breakfast and just finished my supper. Leftovers are great when you're lazy!

The weather has been just beautiful. My spare bedroom gets a bit warm in the afternoons but it's not to warm that I can't work in there. I do have the ceiling fans running and up until late this afternoon there was a nice breeze coming from the east. My plans are to work on scrapbooking tomorrow morning before it gets too warm. But then I'll probably do some in the afternoon too.

I'm looking for a picture of my parents dog Muttley. My son just got a dog and he sure looks a lot like Muttley and I want to send a copy to him. He was so excited when they got the dog!

It's movie night at my place. I'm watching "National Treasure" with Nicholos Cage and after that is "Friday Night Lights." Two of my favorites. Lights is a violent movie but a good one. Barb and I went to it in Des Moines one weekend when I was there. Bought DVD's of both of them. I also bought a DVD player for my spare bedroom, but when I got it home I couldn't figure out how to hook it up. We were talking about that this morning and one of the guys said just get a 10-year old off the street, they can probably do it for you. We all agreed that our children are the ones that help us hook up our electronic equipment. I'm patiently waiting for either Jim or Barb to come home some weekend and help me out!!!

Supper dishes are also calling my name, so suppose I best get to them. Wouldn't want to give those ants anything to lunch on!!!

You all have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll see if I can make it home to hook that up. If not, I'll just talk you through it.