Thursday, September 28, 2006

Being Sick!

Being sick is the pits! I've been home now for 2 1/2 days and believe it or not, I'd rather be able to go into work. Lucky me . . . I picked up a wonderful cold, sore throat, flu-like aches and pains and a back ache. Guess it all goes with colds, etc., but it's been a rough week. It's 3:30 a.m. and I can't seem to sleep anymore. All I've done the past 3 days is sleep, sleep, and sleep. At least when you sleep you swallow without thinking about it and it doesn't hurt as much. You'd think a person would be slept out but yet I can sit in my ugly green chair and within 5 minutes I'm sleeping again! I went to the doctor on Wednesday for a non-related flu problem and got meds for the flu, etc. I'm feeling better . . . at least well enough to go to work this morning later on for a few hours. I'm weak and have a hacky cough with whatever this crap is, but at least I'm up and around!! Got to the point where dying sounded good and then I was afraid I was going to!!!

I have a growth on one of my fingers and thought I better have that checked out as it's growing quite rapidly. X-rays were taken and the decision to wait and see was made. One of the hospital techs was going to read the x-rays later yesterday afternoon too. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about, but I guess I'm to the point where I'd rather be safe than sorry. Plus I got meds for the flu!!! What a deal!

Fall is definitely in the air! The trees are starting to turn across the street from my place. I'm hoping to head up north this weekend and take some pictures near Guttenberg and also up at Pike's Peak. Me and how many other people! It's a beautiful time of the year. Sounds like rain for part of the weekend so guess that will decide if I go or not. Getting wet at the present time doesn't sound like a real wise thing to do! Can't believe that September is almost gone.

October brings another birthday for me, for my brother, my sister-in-law, a niece and nephew and a couple of friends. Maybe we should all get together and celebrate as a group! I don't have anything special planned -- maybe a nice supper out with friends. I'm scheduled to be in Des Moines (Urbaindale) October 24th for a workshop so I'm planning on going down the day before and spend some time with my children. Children be warned!! I'm coming!!!

Barb and I have tickets for "Annie" November 9th. I'm really looking forward to that show. I love the music from that one! We have November 10th off as a holiday so I'm hoping to do some more visiting and Christmas shopping! Barb has to work that weekend but I think I can find my way around Ankeney and maybe drive into West Des Moines. Time will tell!

All my craft magazines are full of Christmas ideas. I'm slowly but surely getting the first 5 years of Barbie's life completed. I think I'm at Christmas 1972 right now. It's been a trip!!! After I get her first years done I want to work on Jim's. Barbie had Christmas' all over the place whereas Jim had all his in the same house! I can still remember our first Christmas in our new home -- our tree was in the master bedroom! We moved into our house in the fall without a finished living room, hallway or foyer. Took us 6-months to finish it! So, we put the tree up in the bedroom. Got pictures to prove that one!!! That was a lot of years ago!!

My sister began a new job this week. I haven't heard from her but hope all is going well. She was to the point of burn-out at her other one. She doesn't have as far to drive for this one and her hours are much better. Congratulations Glee!

Work has been busy as of late (when I'm there). Fuel season begins Monday for the elderly and disabled in our service delivery area. Lots of people, lots of paperwork, LOTS OF FUN!! I'm still trying to fill jobs for our Head Start program. This is the first time in a long time that I can remember having this many openings at one time. Must be something in the air!! Ya think! Fuel season continues until April 15th and within that time period we also have our big Santa's Helper project. Most years I adopt a family or two and go out and buy the gifts that they ask for. Haven't decided if I want to to that this year again or not. Guess I'll wait until the time comes and see how things are financially at home first.

Gas prices have finally gone down. We haven't hit below $2.00 but I keep hoping. Talked to Jim over the weekend and he said Mandy found a station in WDM that was below $2.00 -- I think he said $1.99 or $1.98 but that's still less that $2.00 a gallon! I can remember when a $20 bill more than filled my tank . . . . now I need the $20 plus a $10 and then some!!!

Good news! Effective October 1 I have a 4% increase to my salary! All proceeds are gratefully acknowledged by this employee. The holidays are coming and so is a wedding next year. I've been putting money away for the holidays and the wedding. I'm looking forward to both very much.

Well, I'm starting to get cold . . not sleepy but cold. Better go find a blanket or throw and see if I can get in a few winks before getting dressed for work. You all stay warm, dry and healthy! Stay away from these colds -- it's awful!!!

Take care.

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