Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Is this fall? Wow, what a change. Saturday and Sunday were so beautiful and now it's starting to get colder . . . and windy! I have the news on right now and they're also saying we could see snowflakes on Wednesday. Are you ready for this? Guess we don't have a choice other than to move to where there's never any snow!!

I got a strange phone call over the weekend. I wasn't doing anything special on Saturday afternoon when the phone rang . . . I answered and the guy on the other end said I found this cell phone that must be either your son's or daughter's! That was a surprise. It was Jim's number on the IDer when I answered. I expected to hear his voice so was really surprised. He said he found this phone around the Valley Junction area. I gave him Jim and Mandy's address and thanked him for returning it. I then called Mandy on her cell only to get her voice mail saying she was in Omaha for a class reunion. I left a message and finally decided maybe I should call Barb and let her know what was happening. Well . . . she was in Ames having a great time at a tailgate party playing baggo! She said she had been with Jim in the morning and he probably lost it while out walking Odie. The mystery was solved on Sunday morning when I talked to Jim. He had indeed lost his phone . . . only he thought it was in the house. He needed to call Mandy to see when she was coming home Saturday afternoon and couldn't find his phone. He thought he lost it in the house! He emailed me and asked me to call and keep calling until he answered the phone, thinking that he would hear it and find it. I didn't read my email until Sunday afternoon so, of course, didn't call. He finally emailed his dad and had him text message him to find the phone in the mailbox! What a surprise! The guy did ask me if Jim lived in an apartment or house and obviously just left the phone in the mailbox. What a nice person! Mystery solved!

JIm spent some time with Barb checking out new cars. Barbie bought a new car over the weekend. I don't know if she's picked it up yet or not but finally decided what she wanted to purchase on Saturday morning. She used her brother for some expert advice!! Next time you see her she'll be driving her new Mariner Blue Dodge! I asked when I could see it or drive it and was told she didn't know! Bummer!

I'm on my way to Waterloo this a.m. to pick up some food for a food distribution later in the month and hygiene products for work. We have a program and are able to buy hygiene products from the food bank in Waterloo when DALH goes down to pick them their orders.

My family is trying to get together for one last weekend before the snow flies. Jim and Mandy have invited all of us down for a weekend of fun, food and socializing! Hopefully we can decide on a weekend and get together. Sounds like fun!

Christmas stuff is in all the stores and people are already talking about the holidays. I'm still working on scrapbook projects for gifts. Don't know if I'll get everything done I want to but at least I'm going to give it a good try! Scrapbooking is certainly something I enjoy. I practically have a room dedicated to it.

I'm feeling much better. Still have a cough that doesn't want to give up, but at least I don't cough as much as I have been. It's been a long haul. I noticed a couple of other people at work are having the same problems. Flu season is upon us. Time to go out and get a shot. I've been making calls trying to get shots lined up for our all-agency staffing the end of the month. We have a number of people that would like to get the shots and it's easy to do when we're all together for the day. That's my next big project at work -- the all-agency staffing. That and end-of-the-year reports to State. They're always fun, but part of the job.

Well, it's 7:00 a.m. and I should probably get dressed and ready to go. News headlines on Today are strange. Nuclear testing, political fights, etc. Life!!

Gotta go. Have a great week. Take care of you!

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