Sunday, January 18, 2009


It's been a very frustrating day for me. I have this long-weekend and wanted to get so many things done but . . . nothing seems to want to work out right.

I was going to take my Christmas things down, but running up and down the stairs today was out of the question. My knees hurt too much. Tomorrow is another day.

So, I decided my room needed a good cleaning. The first thing to do was to get the boxes of scrapbooks and albums out and finished. That shouldn't be too hard! What do I know??? I made a book for Barb that spans her birth to 5-years-old. It was bulky so we decided I should make it into at least two that were manageable. Okay. I started on that. I found another album and page protectors that all matched. Turned out great! At least the first one did. I got everything together for the second one and noticed that the covers are warped. What a bummer! Good thing Hobby Lobby is open tomorrow cuz I'm going to get out there and get some books that aren't all goofy! One down another to go. Jim's book also too big and half the page protectors didn't match so . . . I'll put it back together with everything matching and again, manageable size. The first one of that worked out great. It takes more time than I thought to move everything from page protector to another but it was fun reviewing what I had already done. Got to the second one and, you guessed it, run out of page protectors that match. Another thing on the list for Hobby Lobby. Barb's are sitting in the big chair in the living room, Jim's are on the coffee table. I will finish them tomorrow sometime!!

Okay, so that didn't work as well as I thought it should. Did I mention I took a little nap this afternoon between football games. I tried watching the Hawks this morning but just couldn't keep watching as it was such a bad game. I know they're young, but geeeeez!

When I made calendars for the family for Christmas I didn't make one for me. So I best get one done because I don't even have a calendar at work right now. I started this project one evening last week. Got as far as April, realized there was a mistake and corrected it. Well I corrected it so well I lost the whole calendar! For gosh sakes!!!! I quit.

Last weekend I lost my Internet so couldn't work on my calendar then. Got hooked up with Qwest Friday. I did it myself. Had to track down my modem but UPS came through on Friday and by 11 p.m. I was hooked back up to the Internet. I now have to anchor my telephone lines down again between my bedroom and the second bedroom, but I do have Internet. That's another weekend project!! I still don't have the laptop hooked up but will live on that one.

I just finished my calendar about half an hour ago. I don't know if I'm doing something different or it's the new anti-virus I have but I had some problems getting my calendar loaded and making some clipart work. Whatever -- it's done. Complete. Laying on the floor waiting for me to take it to work and put a spine on it so that I can hang it up!! Hurray!

Did I tell you all that I've resigned my position as President of the Piss & Moan Club. Decided life is too short to complain all the time. When I start doing it I just say "Shut Up Joy!" It's working . . . so far!!

Work has been hectic. I'm still working on getting all the Head Start files together. I think I'm just about there. One more go through and I should be happy with what I have. Now to get everybody to get their physicals and criminal records checks back and I can celebrate. Sounds like the review team will be back early February. Hope it's the second week and not the first!!

I brought the agency newsletter home with me. Hopefully I can get it done and sent on its way Tuesday morning when I get back to the office. Maybe I bit off more than I can chew!!

I need to do some other cleaning but to get back at a scrapbooking project too. I'm trying to organize my scrapbook stuff. I've been looking into different types of storage that I can use. Want to be able to put my paper into some kind of storage and then hopefully have that container by on wheels. You can't believe how heavy paper gets!!! Maybe I can spend some time at Menard's this week.

Here's hoping the snow will stay away for a while. Dubuque already has 44 inches for the year. Above what we had last year and broke all kinds of records in 2008. Duh! I think is beautiful, until you have to shovel it, drive in it or fall down in it!!

Hope everyone is well. Thanks for the ear. I feel much better.

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