Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Day, New Do!!

I finally got my hair cut! Every time I make an appointment it either snows so much I couldn't get there or my job responsibilities interfered. I canceled at least 2 times because Tom just had to have me at the office. It was getting really long and if I'm going to wear it short -- it should be short! Yesterday afternoon (about 3:00 p.m.) I couldn't stand it any more so I called Sarah and she could get me in today at 4:15. Told her I'd take it, plus it wasn't supposed to snow!!! Wouldn't you know it, about 4:30 Tom came in and said he had changed his mind and he needed me to take minutes at an Executive Committee that was being held tonight. I told him I had an appointment for my hair and would be keeping that. I would try very hard to be back on time. Well, I got to the shop a little early and Sarah was ready for me. I was back in the office before 5:00 p.m. And I love my hair!! I think I'll probably get a perm the next I have it cut, just for the body part. But by not getting a perm every time I go (like I've been doing) my hair will stay more healthy. She said today it was looking pretty good for an old lady!! Anyway, I'm very happy with my new do!!

Took minutes tonight. Thought the part I was to take minutes at was going to be short and sweet but turned out to be a 2 hour meeting. Tonight was also Tom's performance review by the Executive Committee. They recommend to the full board any kind of procedure they feel needs to be done. I'm sure he'll get a raise! We have so much money, you know!!! I was there for the explanation on our Head Start Program. I've been doing a lot work with that program so at least I understood the majority of what the director told them. We had worked up a Quality Improvement Plan that wasn't accepted, so tonight Peggy presented additional monitoring tools that had to be approved by our BOD. Full board doesn't meet until next month but guess the Executive Committee can give an approval and we'll go on from there. Glad that one is out of the way. I've gone through some of those files 3 and 4 times. I keep second-guessing myself and then go back and double check. Think I'll quit while I'm ahead. I've got all my memos out regarding physicals and have sent in a number of criminal records checks. Hope everything goes smoothly on my part when the review team comes back.

Tomorrow I'm going to Maquoketa to sit in on an interview for one of our centers down there. We have an opening for a Teacher Associate and will be interviewing 2 applicants tomorrow afternoon. When we come back I'm done for the week. I did some work on Monday (it was a holiday for us) and have put other extra hours in this past two weeks. I need to get my butt home and keep at my cleaning. Hopefully I'll get a lot done this weekend. Sounds like it's going to be cold so . . . good reason to stay home and get something done!!

Have a good weekend!

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