Monday, May 18, 2009

A Weekend With Charlotte

I had a great weekend with my children and my beautiful granddaughter. I drove down to Ankeny on Saturday morning to spend some time with my kids and little Charlotte! She is such a beautiful baby!

I got to Barb's around 10:30 and unloaded all my goodies. I finally completed Jim's baby books birth to five! He really was a cute little guy! I had a great time doing those books and going back over memories of when Jim was a little guy.

I called Jim and asked him what they wanted for lunch. They decided on Subway. Barb and I took their order and picked up our food and arrived around 12:30. Mandy had a wedding she was shooting in the afternoon so we thought we'd at least get to visit for a bit before she left. Charlotte was sleeping so we had something to eat. Of course she woke up and Mom put her in her swing.

Jim and I babysat for the afternoon. Barb had some errands to run and it
wasn't very difficult for me to say yes to staying with the baby and Jim. As you can see we took some pictures. Charlotte has such a head of hair. What a cute little baby!! Barb was in and out and we finally decided I'd stay at their home while Barb went to her party. I really had a great evening with my granddaughter, son and daughter-in-law.

Mandy showed us some of the pictures she took at the wedding -- she does a great job!! The ones I saw were wonderful! I feel a whole lot of pictures of a certain baby girl coming on!!!

I received my Mother's Day gift from Jim & Mandy on Saturday. It's a beautiful picture of them as a family. I just love it. It almost made me cry. I can't wait to get it up on the wall for everyone to see, but first it goes to work with me so I can show it off to all my co-workers. Thanks kids for a great gift!! I love it almost as much as I love you guys!!

On Sunday we had already decided we were going to go to the Art Fair in Valley Junction. It wasn't the nicest day to be out and about but we had a very nice time. Charlotte's mode of transportation is great so she didn't have a problem at all. I'm still walking around with a cane and a little slow, but it's getting better every day. Hopefully soon I won't have to use it at all.

I will be very happy when all this cloudy and cool weather decides to move on. I suppose then I'll complain about how warm it is! You just can't keep some people happy!!! I'm looking forward to a nice quiet weekend. I have some cool new pictures of Charlotte and a new book to work on. We all went to the scrapbook store together on Sunday and the kids helped pick out some new stickers for Charlotte's new book. I very much enjoy scrapbooking (like none of you knew that, right??).

Work is very busy this week. We have a grant due on Thursday with a meeting for approval scheduled for Wednesday evening. I have a meeting tomorrow with staff and our lawyer regarding our Personnel Policies and Procedures. Hopefully that will go well. The long weekend will be appreciated by all. Hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.

Time to get going and get some work done around here. I've goofed off long enough. Plus it's almost time to call it a day. Have a great week all!

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