Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Meanderings (is that spelled right?)

My patio door is in and the framing is complete.  Looks pretty nice.  The trim doesn't match the rest of the kitchen woodwork, but I rent, I don't own this place.  I've cleaned the windows once already but they defnitely need to be cleaned again.  Now I can do some major cleaning in that room.  The floor needs to be mopped.  You can see where the water ran and stood before it dried up.  When it rained water came in under the door and floor.  It would pool toward the middle of the room.  I always thought I had just over-watered my plants.  Guess I really didn't check it out real well, just mopped it up and went on. 

I want to put up some Halloween decorations.  I'd love to put up orange lights along the window topper in the living room but . . . my topper is burgandy, olive and tan.  Don't think that would look too good.  Guess I'll settle for my current decorations and enjoy them.

I just checked Mandy & Jim's blog (Mandy always has some darling pictures of the kids) and she didn't disappoint me.  They celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary on 'Saturday.  There is a beautiful picture of Jim & Mandy (I'm pretty sure it's one of Jim's self-portraits) but it's wonderful.  What a happy couple!!  Love the picture.

Tomorrow I have my teeth taken caae of.  I wish I wasn't such a chicken.  I know that I'll get through the whole procedure okay, but I worry about it.  Like I said, I'm such a wimp.  Both dentists that I'm working with right now are great.  The whole staff is.  They have made me feel very comortable while I'm in the office (course when I get home I'm not so sure), but everything will be okay.

My visit to social security went well.  I have a bunch of papers to read through and a couple of things to take care of but beginning January 1, 2013 I'm going to draw down on my funds.  We shall see how this goes. 

Life goes on.

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