I've been tagged by Mandy!! Being the intelligent human being that I am, I know no other way to answer the tag other than put my answers in my blog. Mandy are you there???Ten Years Ago1. I was newly divorced and lost
2. I worked at good 'ole Operation: New View
3. Read a lot of books
4. Got my first computer (and learned how to use it!)
5. Learned how to become independent (grew up)
To Do List1. Pack for my weekend trip
2. Finish projects at work before leaving for weekend
3. Complete Christmas cards (I'm making them)
4. Arrange furniture in 'craft room' (or at least come up with a plan)
5. Enjoy life
Five Snacks I Enjoy1. Chips with ranch dip
2. Grapes
3. Popcorn
4. anything chocolate
5. soda
Places I Have Lived1. Monona, IA
2. Serra Vista, AZ
3. Madison, WI
4. Epworth, IA
5. Dubuque, IA
Jobs I Have Had1. concession stand at local theater
2. secretary @ Eska Company
3. Bookkeeper @ Mississippi Dairy Plant
4. secretary @ Torbet Drug Company
5. HR Director, Operation: New View
Pet Peeves1. gossip @ work
2. people who chew gum in public
3. whiny people
4. people who don't use their directional signals when turning
5. rudeness
Things That Bring Me Joy1. My children, all three of them (Barb, Jim, Mandy) and spending time with them
2. Knowing that I'm going to be a grandmother!!! Wow!
3. My sister and her sense of humor
4. My scrapbooking obsession!
5. Christmas
People I Tag (
you're it!)
1. Mandy you're one up on me. I don't read anyone's blog but yours! But this was fun!!
I am so excited about becoming a grandmother. I'm driving my friends crazy with questions about gifts, toys, educational things . . . it is so much fun. I'm planning on things I can buy the little person for Christmas. My sister sent me a note and said I'll enjoy it! It's a wonderful time of your life. I believe her and I'm looking forward to having a little one around again. Seems like a long time since there's been one. (Actually it has been a long time, but I still remember how to hold a baby, change diapers, feed them, and most of all -- how to love them.)
I enjoy my great nephew, Jackson, very much. He's at such a cute stage in his life. He's one! He's walking all over the place. Learning how to climb on things. His birthday was a lot of fun. He's such a boy!! But just think in April I'll have one of my own to play with and love.
I really do lead a very dull life lately. It's nobody's fault but my own and I can't seem to get myself out of the rut I've gotten into. I'm looking forward to this coming weekend with my daughter, my sister and my niece. We're going to the North Pole Craft Fair in Ankeny. I enjoyed it last year and can't imagine not having a great time this year. Beth is joining us this year so . . . unless she gets sick we should have a good time.
I decided to try making my own Christmas cards this year. So far, so good. Now all I have to do is get up enough courage to send them. Actually I've enjoyed working on them the last couple of evenings. I finished Jim & Mandy's wedding album(s) FINALLY! They probably thought I lost the pictures or forgot them. I haven't and I'm very happy with the way it turned out. I have a couple of friends proofing my journaling and then I can turn it over to the newlyweds! Sorry I'm so slow in getting it done! I have to admit to enjoying doing it very much. Like I said earlier my scrapbooking has become an obsession!!
Work has been extremely busy and stressful of late. October is a terribly busy month for me. I have my final reports (statistical) due in Des Moines by Friday. (Not going to happen. I've already asked for an extension until November 14.) Our quarterly newsletter was due and needed to be collected, inputted and then published. We had our annual all-agency staffing this past Monday and I put the majority of that together for the agency. I also had a CSBG (Community Services Block Grant) stats meeting the afternoon of the all-agency. I attended a Planner's Meeting in Urbandale last Thursday. Makes a long day. Got up at 5:00, left around 6:00 a.m. and got back home around 7:00! Was I tired the next day? You bet!! We're in the process of getting our Head Start staff completed and everyone we hire has to have an employee orientation. There's always a bunch of paperwork involved with that process. Have 3 scheduled for tomorrow! And my usual workload . . . I'm not complaining, just explaining why I'm so tired all the time!!!! If I'm truthful, I'd rather be a little too busy than trying to find something to do. One of the reports that's due is a narrative with success stories, lots of statistics and addiitonal informtion regrading what the agency has done within the last year. I'm currently working with data for 2007, 2008 and we've begun our 2009 fiscal year October 1. Sometimes I can't remember what year I'm working in!!
I'm making plans for Thanksgiving. My kids are all able to be here. I'm excited about that. Odie will also be visiting and I really do adore that dog!! Only thing about being here is he always wants to go outside and explore. And that's usually when the rest leave me home to dog-sit. He loves my steps, I hate them. I do volunteer to dog-sit so don't feel sorry for me. He's a great dog!! Wished I could have pets where I'm at right now. Maybe in the future!
If you're a Phillie fan you're happy tonight. They won!! I stay busy on weekends watching football (go Colts!) and NACAR. And there's always those old movies that everybody loves!! Soon the snow will fall and I'll close out the world and do my thing -- scrapbooking, reading, watching TV and the other usual things -- like working!
Enough! I'm certain by now I've put some of you to sleep (if anyone other than Mandy ever reads this). I really am excited about the grandmother thing!! What a wonderful experience!! I continue to say a pray for our newest Davis and other members of my family. Mandy had some rough days at the beginning, but things seem to be getting better for her lately.
Hoping to spend a weekend in Des Moines in December. The weather will decide if that happens or not. I have to admit that I'm getting older and weather bothers me a whole lot more than it used to. Senior Moments!! I'd love to be able to do some shopping with Barb and Mandy. We shall see.
Night all!